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5 Fun Ways to Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

An important part Get Outside Your Comfort Zoneof getting fierce is to keep growing and going as we get older. The only way to accomplish that is to do something different from our usual routine. Challenge yourself! Do something you’ve been wanting to do but maybe have been putting off because it requires making yourself vulnerable or dealing with an unknown. Up for today’s Friday Five are suggestions to get you started.

1. Introduce yourself to someone you’ve been wanting to meet.

2. Invite someone you only know casually over for dinner. My husband and I did this recently and had a thoroughly enjoyable evening with another couple that we’re looking forward to connecting with again. (And I’m not just saying that because they gifted us garden cut flowers and homemade – and delicious – mead!)

3. Ask someone who does something you would like to do for advice and encouragement about doing it.

4. Sign up for a class to learn a skill you always thought would be fun. Don’t worry about finding someone to do it with you – you’ll meet like-minded people in the class!

5. Volunteer locally. As we discussed earlier this week, a wonderful by-product to serving others is our own personal enrichment.

5 Ways to Get Outside Your Comfort Zone

What will you do to get outside your comfort zone this weekend?


  1. I just spoke about #3 being important for our success and well-being. And I’m thinking, thinking, thinking about #4 – a knitting class maybe, hopefully, possibly. I’m ready to bust out of my CZ and two long needles is as good a way to get out as any, right? 🙂

    1. Actually, I prefer short needles, but then I don’t knit anything but scarves, one super easy hat and dishrags. Now M, on the other hand, is a super-knitter – she does some AMAZING stuff. Are you thinking of taking a how-to class or on something specific?

      And where do speak? Please tell me Oklahoma! -El

      1. Ooooh, short needles. I might need to stick with those. I’ve talked about learning to knit forever. I want to make our granddaughter something and I’d love to make myself one of those long straight shawls that wrap around with one really big button. Did you get a visual? 🙂

        I do the monthly thought for the day at our networking group. No speaking engagements outside that, but OKC is on my radar for something, anything so I can visit a good friend. Yes, you.

        1. YEAH!!!! I’ll keep my eyes peeled (not literally) for ops!!
          If your granddaughter is in a place where there is some cold weather, I have a suggestion for a very fun, EASY (yet nice looking) scarf for a beginner knitter – or a knitter who wants to be able to complete a project in a few hours (that’s my speed – or, should I say “that’s my attention span”?!) -El

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