Friday Five #8 – Have a Chuckle
Friday Five – end your week with inspiration, motivation and a chuckle or two!
1. Easy does it. We can make great strides over time changing our eating habits by giving up one small thing at a time. Thanks to community member Kim Henson for giving us a good place to start! (Oh sure, it’s not as good at first, but after a while you don’t miss it!)
2. Egg in a mug. For a no-mess, protein-filled breakfast that takes less than 5 minutes from prep to eating, try this easy recipe: Coat 12-oz microwavable mug with cooking spray. Add 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons of milk and beat until blended. Microwave on HIGH for 45 seconds.; stir. Microwave until eggs are almost set (another 30-45 second). Top with a tablespoon of shredded cheddar and salt and pepper to taste. I added a smattering of green onions for color and crunch.
3. A wonderful idea for a very special gift. Diana Rogers Jaeger’s blog post What Do You Get Your Best Friend When Her Mother Dies?/Condolence Gift is a very poignant read.
4. New product for sweet potato lovers. Sweet potatoes and brown rice in a cracker? I haven’t seen it in the store, but it jumped off a magazine page at me. If anybody has tried it, let us know what you think!
5. It’s not too soon to get ready for spring.
Still smiling!
That’s the way to head into the weekend, Susan! -El
Good grins for me too! Crackers are ok, put I prefer light salt originals. Crunchier. 🙂
I posed for that last shot! -El
Printing the recipe for egg in a cup for myself and for my daughter!
I wouldn’t be offended if someone crumbled a little bacon on my next one – more protein! -El
hahaha, bacon on everything!
getting ready for spring that would be me
You and me both, Sue! However, it’s looking like your spring is still a ways off – no sense “harvesting” yet! -El
I’m going to try the egg. That’s my kind of recipe!
And it’s downright cute when turned onto a plate – like a mini souffle! -El