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Let Them Eat (Watermelon) Cake!

Let Them Eat (Watermelon) Cake!

Seeing this simple watermelon “cake” in Good Housekeeping magazine last year piqued my interest. Guilt-free cake? Could it be? OK, so it’s not really cake – but it meets all the requirements for a special occasion. Visually pleasing? Check! Delicious? Check! Festive? Absolutely! And – bonus! – it’s GOOD for you! So if you’re looking for something to do with the last of the season’s watermelon crop, throw a party – and let the guests eat cake!

You can keep it simple by coring a cylindrical piece of watermelon, “frosting” with a frozen whipped topping and decorating with fruit.  Voila! Your 10-minute cake is complete – and lovely!

Image courtesy of Good Housekeeping
Image courtesy of Good Housekeeping


If you want to take things up a notch, you can gussy up your cake by patting on sliced almonds or crushed walnuts along the sides of the “frosting” and creating a pattern on top with fresh fruit.

Image courtesy of paleocuppord.com
Image courtesy of paleocuppord.com


Or skip the “frosting” and go right for the heart for a fat-free delight!

Let Them Eat Watermelon Cake!


Watermelon cake is a healthy “sweet” for any age!

Image courtesy of Pinterest
Image courtesy of Pinterest


Get creative – your cake decor options are as limitless as your own imagination!

Image source thrivenutritionandwellness.wordpress.com
Image source thrivenutritionandwellness.wordpress.com


But  just so you know, while I’ve been sold on watermelon “cake,” I am taking a pass on watermelon bread!

Let Them Eat Watermelon Cake!


If you want to see a speedy version of one way to cut up a watermelon for a nicely-shaped cake, check out this brief YouTube video:


    1. They really are pretty – so vibrant! But you’d be doing them a favor by cutting into them and eating – I suspect by Day 2 or 3 some of the lovely is dissipating!

  1. Actually, I have had Watermelon Bread; it’s not what you’d expect, but it’s pretty good, at least the way my grandmother and my mom both made it. So now I’ll make the cake! 😉

  2. What a delightfully refreshing idea! Actually, ideas. I’m passing on that bread one, also…(Sorry, Marylin Warner)

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