Motivational Monday #23
Even if you are in a good place in life, you can’t get complacent. You do not grow without movement – which is bad enough. But, as Will Rogers pointed out, it gets much worse because
Even if you are in a good place in life, you can’t get complacent. You do not grow without movement – which is bad enough. But, as Will Rogers pointed out, it gets much worse because
1. Magnifying mirror. Because objects seen in regular mirrors are really larger than they appear. The little hair chin – that is actually two inches long, the stray brow – which is actually creating a bridge across your nose, that cute freckle – that is actually a smear of lunch’s BBQ sauce. Caveat: you should…
How many of us can say we took a chance on something and surprised ourselves by liking it? Whether you were encouraged (is that really the word I’m looking for?) to eat your vegetables or try new ones, or you can remember the ad campaigns “try it – you’ll like it” for Life cereal, you can probably…
There’s no doubt that a break, somewhere in your otherwise routine day, is beneficial and can lead to more productive hours in the aftermath. However, many of us at work spend our lunch time ‘googling’ things we didn’t get to finish up last night, or editing some report for work and yes, even catching up on…
You may have experienced setbacks. You may be struggling with difficult issues. Or you may be content with the status quo. Wherever you are in life, it is important to keep learning, keep growing, and keep moving forward, because Photo by Richard Verdoorn
We’re not stuck with the results of first efforts. Or even second or third efforts. In Mary Pickford’s words:
Just got back from a 16-day road trip. Following my usual post-travel routine, the morning after arriving home I pulled out the bathroom scale, stepped on, breathed deeply, and peered through squinted eyes at the numbers. I’d gained two pounds. HURRAY!! Okay, weight gain is not a reason for me to celebrate, but considering on…
Don’t be afraid to take a break from your worries, your sadness, or the problems you haven’t resolved yet to have a laugh. It doesn’t mean that you are less sad or that you’re not taking your problems seriously – it is just a bit of balm to your spirit and mind to help you…
One theme that keeps popping up as we continue on our fierce journeys is “simplicity.” Many of us are de-cluttering, scaling back, buying less stuff, and de-stressing by simplifying things that just don’t need to be as complicated as they can be. And that includes home decor. We want around us that which makes us…
Sometimes reasons sound more like excuses. Think about it – when a friend is late meeting you, wouldn’t you rather hear: “I’m sorry I’m late” than a lame litany of the phone calls, traffic lights, and carpet wrinkles that slowed her down? The same is true when there is a request to impose on your…