Motivational Monday #21
We’re not stuck with the results of first efforts. Or even second or third efforts. In Mary Pickford’s words:
We’re not stuck with the results of first efforts. Or even second or third efforts. In Mary Pickford’s words:
I was sitting on my patio one sunny evening, contemplating whether or not to make a particular change in my life. As I mentally sifted through the pros and cons of leaving my comfort zone and taking on something new, the sun’s heat became so intense I decided to move to the shade of the…
There is a time and a place for apologies. Like when we’re wrong, or when we bump into someone. But some things you should not apologize for, so
Don’t be afraid to take a break from your worries, your sadness, or the problems you haven’t resolved yet to have a laugh. It doesn’t mean that you are less sad or that you’re not taking your problems seriously – it is just a bit of balm to your spirit and mind to help you…
Sometimes reasons sound more like excuses. Think about it – when a friend is lateĀ meeting you, wouldn’t you rather hear: “I’m sorry I’m late” than a lame litany of the phone calls, traffic lights, andĀ carpet wrinkles that slowed her down? The same is true when there is a request to impose on your…
It can be tempting to give up on a goal because we are not achieving it fast enough. We ask ourselves if what we’re giving up today, a mere baby step on the way to the prize, is really worth it. When those moments hit, look in the mirror and say:
Many of us are readers, and we don’t mind going where an author takes us for an enjoyable journey into unknown places. But for our own journey? We should be the one in charge – yet we can get distracted by the wants and expectations of others. Remember:
When we are overwhelmed, stressed or just plain weary, we have to do something different. Sometimes we carry too much – things from the past, unrealistic expectations, opinions that shouldn’t matter. And so
If you are a regular reader, you may have been missing M over the past two months. Our dear friend and her husband are still reeling from, and dealing with, the sudden loss of their 25 year-old son. They are both back to work now, often grateful for the distraction and the focus on their…
As we age we face a multitude of challenges – physical, emotional, spiritual. We can’t control what life deals us, but we have options for how we deal with what life offers. The key?