Friday Five | FUN | Humor
Friday Five Funnies
In March we told you about our new Facebook page and gave you a sample of the humor there. We thought we’d send you into the weekend with a smile on your face by sharing five of our favorite funnies from April!
Yep, #5! One reason I don’t cook more than I do is that whenever I get ready to prepare a dish, without fail I’m missing at least one essential ingredient, and grocery shopping is my least favorite kind of shopping. :-/
I can relate to missing-ingredient-syndrome, Dee Dee! When I went to check which one was number five, I was struck by how pea-green it looked. It started out bright green and darkened with one of the effects I added – certainly appropriate for the message!
Sorry for howling with laughter. Was I too loud? 😀 😀 😀
I thought that was you, Tess – you have a great laugh!!
😀 😀 😀
I missed all these on face book – due to it’s highly selective mode of allowing me to see posts! Really glad to see them here 😀 #1 and #3 apply here!!
Yah, I just can’t figure out that reach thing, Pauline! There’s we put on there yesterday that made me think of you (magical!), but it wouldn’t let me tag you – talk about obstinate! If you pop over to the page, it’s the one that looks sparkly white – you’ll know it when you see it!
I’ll track it down! It’s nice to be thought of!
Yes, OFTEN the M is silent! I love it!
And it’s worth a try, baking peas in cake mix. 😉
You go first, Marylin – and let us know how it turns out!!