Friday Five #2
Friday Five is a random assortment of tips, thoughts or ideas. They may be connected, they may not. But they will be brief and leave you either informed, entertained, or with a smile on your face. On a good day we’ll hit all three!
1. A go-to product. I always have a pack of Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat Tortillas on hand. With a longer-than-bread shelf life, the 6″ size results in effortless portion control. In addition to the expected (but tasty) quesadilla or folded sandwich, a favorite use is a mini pizza. Throw in a salad and you’ve got a filling, healthy meal ready in 15 minutes. Depending on your pizza toppings and salad dressing, it’s probably about a 300 calorie meal. The tortilla by itself is 80 calories, 2 g of fat, 3 g of protein, 13 g total carbohydrates and a lovely 10 g fiber count. For a breakfast treat, I slap a reasonable amount of peanut butter (preferably natural crunchy) in the middle, add a schmear of marshmallow fluff or jelly for a little sweet, roll it up and eat it with an apple. Very portable!
2. Disappointing product. Weight Watchers Chocolate Creme Cake. There’s an accent mark over the first ‘e’ in ‘creme.’ So I guess we’re suppose to say ‘crem’ – with a pinky up. As you can see the box top shows two pieces of cake, one bursting with I-must-try-it chocolate creme. The reality picture is missing more than the raspberry – where’s the creme?? Excuse me, I mean “crem.” Even its absorption into the cake wasn’t enough to moisten the dry-as-dust texture. Free to a good home: 5 mini chocolate crem-less cakes.
3. Another reason to wear your glasses while getting ready to go out: Foaming facial cleanser doesn’t look as good in your hair as mousse.
4. I’ve heard this is a real problem for some.
5. To this over-50 truism sent in by Lou we say: YEAH!
Since I have your permission, I’m not growing up!! I always thought it was optional anyway!
I assumed you originated that slogan, Lisa!! – EL
I love the tortilla wraps. I’ll stuff them with black beans, some shredded cheese and salsa…YUM!
Mmmmmmmm – great way to get beans in the mix! – EL
Thank you for numbers 4 & 5. 4 made me laugh. When I read number 5 I thought, “Thank God!” I can stop trying so hard!!
And we were feeling bad for not trying harder – now we can all live guilt-free! – EL
I can so relate to #4……….love the tortillas, sometimes I will do chicken & cheese fold in half & grill on both sides for a “quesadilla” with salsa on the side.
Crisped up IS pretty hard to beat! – EL
#4 made me laugh out loud! Thank you
Me, too Donna – probably because we sooooo get it!! – EL
My favs are 4&5. Can totally relate.
You’re among friends, Gina! – EL
Concerning #3. But if you wear your glasses while getting ready, it takes a lot more make-up to cover all the wrinkles that aren’t there when you don’t wear them.
So the overall solution would be to just leave the glasses off altogether – wrinkles gone AND the potentially greasy-looking hair simply looks like a blurry halo! – EL
#4 wins, but I can’t remember why…
That made me chuckle – is there a shorthand way of saying that? LOL is sometimes a tad strong for the response I’m trying to convey. -EL